We can heal through working with plants and energy medicine

Informed by my journey as a daughter, mother, caregiver and partner, I found natur(e)-al medicine healing to be at the nexus of life and my passion. Modalities such as herbal medicine and energy healing center, ground and energize me to take on the day and live my life with passion and purpose. And quite frankly, I believe this to be our birthright. I am passionate about empowering you to reclaim your personal health, to make wellness the norm, and to increase your quality of life. 

We lead busy lives. Perhaps you are a sandwich generation caregiver, juggling numerous responsibilities, such as simultaneously raising children and supporting your aging parents. Perhaps you are suffering from chronic health issues that make it feel impossible to get a handle on your life. And it feels overwhelming to extricate yourself from your life to focus on self care. I am all about tweaking lifestyle, diet and herbs to reduce and recover from burnout, improve gut health, all with the goal of moderating stress and improving mental health. A balanced gut microbiome can improve your stress resilience, and an imbalanced one can affect your mental health.

Together, we explore options for self-care and wellness, developing routines that integrate movement, meditation, nutrition and natur(e)-al medicines. All these elements are thoughtfully woven together within a personalized self-care and wellness plan after our Initial Herbal Intake Consultation and revised and updated as needed after Herbal Follow-Up Consults.

My herbal education has been centered around Western Herbalism where the teachings I received wove together wisdom, herbs, and traditions from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Traditional European Herbalism and other indigenous traditions, while simultaneously employing scientific knowledge of human anatomy and physiology and evidence based knowledge to further support the use of herbal medicine. I am as fascinated with the workings of Face and Tongue diagnosis as I am with phytochemistry and physiology, all of which and more, I learned through my clinical herbal studies at the Land of Verse where I studied with amazing herbalists such as Kelsey Barrett, Laura Ash, Madeleina Bolduc, Sarah Jane Fairless and Drea Moore.

Stay tuned as I create more offerings integrating energy healing work in Reiki and the Akashic Records with clinical herbalism.